to: Statistics

I would like to spend only three class days on chapter 8; so read the chapter by 1/4, do the first five exercises by 1/6, and do the next five exercises by 1/8. 
Exercises must be handed in at the beginning of class (or immediately upon arrival of a late student) in order to be acceptable (see previous post for more details). I am willing to give extensions if there is a plausible excuse. 

to: Statistics

OK, it makes no sense for students to hand in an assignment on the same day that the assignment is discussed in class (unless it is handed in at the beginning of class). Likewise it makes no sense for an assignment to be handed in *after* it has been discussed in class. From now on. late work (as defined above) will receive a zero, and incomplete work will receive a grade based on the amount done correctly. To redress a grade for extra credit, you must get a special extra credit assignment from me. In general, such an extra credit assignment will be more difficult than the assignment it replaces, so rational students will submit their work on time. I remark that when you get to college, you will receive zeros for late work and will have no way to make up for those zeros.


to: Statistics

OK, I made a mistake in my previous message (now deleted).  What we will do is:

On Monday 11/27, students should hand in the first five exercises at the end of chapter 7; then we will discuss them in class.

to: Statistics

The following supercedes any other concerning 11/27.

On Monday, 11/27, I will finish lecturing on chapter 7.

to: Statistics

Ignore previous message.

to: Statistics

On Friday I will also discuss, briefly:


1. Refresher on integration by parts, and

2. For random variable X, what does X^2 mean, and in general, what does g(X) mean, where g is a real function?


to: Statistics

We didn't cover chapter 7 completely (not even close), so no exercises are due on Friday, 11/17. Instead, students should review chapter 7.

I aplogize for leaving my book and lecture notes at home.

to: Statistics

OK, chapter 7, here we come! For Wednesday, 11/15, read Chapter 7 and take a look at the first few exercises. Then on Friday, 11/17, prepare the first five exercises, and for Monday,11/20, the next 5. On Monday we will decide whether we need another day.

to: Statistics

Yes! Next week we will do chapter 6!

to: Statistics

For Wednesday, 11/1, students should complete exercises 5.1 through 5.5 on pp. 68-69.


to: Statistics

On the full-period exam on this Wednesday, 1/25, Students will be expected to have memorized the mathematical expressions for the Burnoulli, Binomial, and Geometric distributions. The exam will be open-notes, but not open-book.

to: Statistics

In class on 10/25, there will be a full-period exam on all the material presented so far. This will also be the last day for handing in extra-credit work to influence the first quarter grade. For extra-credit, the student may do any exercises not previously handed in.

to: Statistics

I have decided not to use the grades for the first two assignments as part of your quarter grade. They are a chance for you to measure yourself.

to: Statistics

Exercises 2.6-2.10, originally due 9/11, may be handed in on 9/13.

to: Statistics

Exercises 2.11-2.15 due in class on 9/15.

to: Statistics

Students should do exercises 2.1 -- 2.5 in section 2.7 of the book (see below), to be handed in in class on 9/8/17. I have extended this deadline from 9/6 since it took me so long to get Thinkwave going.

The book is Dekking, F. M, et al., "A modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics". This book is on order, but in the meantime, students can get a pdf of it here:

to: Statistics

OK, I think I have finally managed to get going on Thinkwave. I will soon post an assignment, the one that was given orally in class on Friday.

to: Computer Science Principles

We'll be installing some software and doing some programming.  These two things can sometimes go awry in unexpected ways.  Some of the best programmers I have worked with run into strange issues when programming or setting up new tools.

I will be at the school around 8am each Tuesday and Thursday to be available for anyone having issues with anything.  Just stop in and we'll work on it together.

Also, if you want need some help outside class at another time, don't hesitate to send an email to me at  I can respond via email or we can skype.


to: Computer Science Principles

To CSPers

Some of you guys have tried to use confluence and weren't sure how to make it work.  I put some instructions on the class project page

Basically, just go to the page, hit the pencil in the top right to edit.

To add a row to one of the tables, click in the table and use the tool at the top that looks like a row being added (one for above and one for below the current row).

Put your information in and then push publish at the bottom.


Ken Sayers

to: All Students

files: IMG_0001.JPG

Bdays were aplenty this month!  The Ukrainian ear-pulling custom!

to: All Students

Attached is the list of words provided by the National Spelling Bee. 

Schilling will hold its Spelling Bee Wednesday, January 11, 2017, at 1:30.

to: All Students

to: All Students

files: Links.doc

File with links  first version

to: Science 5-6

Dear Parents: Please be advised that many of the students did not feel that they did well on the science quiz. We discussed (and wrote down!) strategies for successfully studying notes, and students who choose to do so may study and retake a slightly more difficult version of the quiz on Wednesday. -Mrs. Downey

to: Debate and Communications

Hello students,

Please note that a brief article on having difficult conversations has been uploaded to your assignments. Please read this article and be prepared to comment on it during Thursday's class.

Mrs. Downey

to: All Students

Dear Students and Parents,

Your current average on Thinkwave represents your (or your child's) 4th quarter grade. Please contact me by Wednesday at 8 p.m. if you have any questions or concerns about your grade. I will submit your grade at that time and will be unable to make changes thereafter.

Mrs. Downey

to: Aikido 5-8

During the course of this school year I am making it mandatory for all Aikido students to attend a class at Aikido of Cincinnati free of charge.  I have held off making the announcement of this assignment because I wanted to make sure the students had enough time with me to feel comfortable with the content and etiquette of the dojo to get the most out of the experience.  Over the winter break may be a good opportunity to get this assignment completed if it works with your families schedule.  Some students may be interested in the Monday evening advanced youth class and some of the upper level students would be more comfortable in the adult classes.  I have spoken with the students to let them know which group I feel would best suit them.  A complete list of the class schedule and the location of the school can be found at  The students need to attend the class and then write a short paper describing the experience and some of the techniques they covered.  This assignment does not need to be done until the end of the school year but it is my hope that they will get this done early and perhaps begin to attend classes regularly at that school.  If it is an impossibility to attend a class there I can make up another assignment but nothing could compare to the experience of using the content of our class in action at the dojo. If you have any questions please contact me through email. 

to: Literature of Second Millennium Empires

This is our Analysis of the novel, Kim, by Rudyard Kipling, that we have been reading for a few weeks.  This assignment is due on Monday, April 28, two weeks after its assignment.

to: Chinese I / II Grades 6- 12

一.  review lesson 2:

1. greeding with extending the sentences: 

  A.How are you?  

  B. I'm very good (good;   not bad;  ok;  pretty good) , Thank you!  How about you?

  A. I'm good also!(pretty good;  not bad....)

2. exercise Words searching: (print out sheet)

二. new lesson(3)

1. goal No.1 :  be able to count to 10 in chinese;

2. goal No. 2:  be able to use pronouns:  yours; my...

3. goal No. 3:  be able to say : friend

三. work book:

pg.10-pg 13  all the exercises!




finish Lesson 3




to: Chinese I

Chinese Made easy 1 for Kids  (for class room 6)     Henry R. and  Riley G

Lesson 3:

1. learn new words  老师, 您早, 你好, 再见 ;

A.  make short diologues.  

B. be able to say the new words in Pin Yin and recognize the new Characters.

2 . class exercise  from page 10-15.  

3.   home work:( due on Thur.29/8)

      pg15--    #2,  #3

      pg16--    #5

      pg18--    #9  (as  a bonus work)

      pg19--   #10,  #11