to: Latin 3-6

Due to my recent hospitalization, I will not be in for the first week of January, but I am hoping to return next week.


For Tuesday the class should've taken a vocabulary test and then given a word search which is due on Thursday, January 5.

For Thursday, January 5:  Read about the future tense on pp. 46-47

HOMEWORK:  Do the 2 word studies activities on p. 51.  This assignment will be due Tuesday, January 10.

to: Science 7-8

As per the student vote, the Science composition folders are due on January 2nd, 2012. All work must be neat and complete, including the leaf reports that will be inserted next to each leaf as well as the details that were observed about the leaves as they changed color. Additionally the worm habitats and their summation page will need to be completed as well for full credit. Work should be neat in appearance or redone until made neat. Retyping the hand-written notes and pasting in with the clear shelving paper is recommended for those with penmanship issues. The index in front of the book must also be updated to reflect any pages that were added.

to: Science 7-8


7 slides on Darwin, 3 on  Archbishop Ussher plus 1 intro and 1 reference slide (3 total) sources

For both gentlemen

Do his background
How he came up with the main idea
How were his ideas received then and now.

to: Language Arts 7-8

This test is on the other half of the science word list distributed in December. Students should know how to spell the root or stem and know the definition as well.

to: Reading 5-6

By Friday, December 16th, students will have e-mailed a one-page, single-spaced report about Douglas Adams to All papers should have a name, date and title at the top and standard 1" margins all around. Paper will need to be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font. It is recommended that the students read their "final" paper to an adult and then let the adult read it as well before the paper is submitted. Students must have THREE sources for their papers, the book can be one as their are pages of information about the author in the foreward, and the sources should be listed on the second page of the report, not on the first page.

to: Reading 5-6

By Monday, Dec. 12th, students will have completed a two-page report on the book " The Restaurant at the end of the Universe." A papers, rough and final, will be e-mailed to Rough drafts should be e-mailed by Dec. 9th at midnight. All papers should have a name, date and title at the top and standard 1" margins all around. Paper will need to be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font. It is recommended that the students read their "final" paper to an adult and then let the adult read it as well before the paper is submitted.

to: Science 7-8

A test over cells, genetics and Punnett squares will be on Friday morning, December 16th.

to: Language Arts 7-8

Students will complete a one-page,single spaced paper based on the information learned from the Skype call with Dr. Kim. The paper is due by e-mail on Dec 14th. Students should include information about Dr. Kim, diving in the Antarctic and the capitella worm study in their papers.

 Form more information that is necessary to complete their papers, students should go to the following sites;



to: Language Arts 7-8

A science vocabulary test will be given on Wednesday, December 14th. Students should study the left side of their handout. The right side prefixes, roots and suffixes will be given when we return from Winter Break.

to: Language Arts 7-8

By Friday, December 9th, a Powerpoint on 4 Presidents (between 1800 and 1860) and their wives is due by e-mail to It needs an opening slide, a reference slide at the end and at least three informational bullet points per person. Up to 4 crazy/creative slides can be added, but they shouldn't be too wordy. Late papers lose one letter grade per class day.This grade will be duplicated for Social Studies as well.

to: Latin 3-6

Latin for Americans
2nd Quarter Syllabus

Thursday, December 8, 2011:
• Collect HW (p. 40)
• Review Unit 1 Test.
• Go over new vocabulary on p. 44
• Introduce the genitive case – read pp. 40-42

HOMEWORK:  Give the genitive plural form for each of the new vocabulary words.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011:
• Collect HW (genitive plural form of new vocabulary)
• Review genitive case
• Introduce Ablative case – read p. 42
• Go over E. A in class.  If time remains, play Lightning!

HOMEWORK:  E. B, p. 42.  Give the Latin for the italicized words.

Thursday, December 15, 2011:
• Collect HW (p. 42, E.B)
• Vocabulary quiz over the words on p. 44
• Students pair up and do E. C on p. 43.

HOMEWORK:  Lesson V Review Worksheet

Tuesday, January 3, 2012:
• Collect HW (Lesson V worksheet)
• Go over new vocabulary list – p. 50
• Review the steps to verb conjugation
• Introduce the future tense – read pp. 46-47
• Read the passage on p. 46

HOMEWORK:  Give the ablative singular and plural forms for the new nouns on p. 50.

Thursday, January 5, 2012:
• Collect HW (ablative forms for nouns)
• Review how to conjugate & translate the future tense.
[There will be a quiz on Tuesday]
• Introduce accusative of motion towards & ablative of accompaniment – pp. 47-48.
• Do E. A on p. 49 together in class.
• Play Lightning!

HOMEWORK:  p. 49, E. B – translate the italicized words into Latin.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012:
• Collect HW (p. 49, E.B)
• Quiz on the future tense.
• Read Word Studies on p. 51
• Play sentence races to prepare for vocabulary test.

HOMEWORK:  p. 49, E. C – translate the italicized words into Latin.  Study for vocabulary test.
Thursday, January 12, 2012:
• Collect HW (p. 49, E. C)
• Lesson VI Vocabulary Test

HOMEWORK:  Lesson VI Review Worksheet

to: French I

Continue to study pgs. 82 & 83.

to: French -Intermed.

to: Latin 3-6

Chapters 1-4


Verbs are the most important words in the sentence because it will tell you what person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) and what number (singular, or plural) the subject of the sentence is. 

To conjugate a Latin verb (i.e. to put the Latin verb in all persons and numbers) you must follow three rules.  What are the 3 rules to conjugating a Latin verb?

1.  Find the _________________________.

2. Add the ________________________ ________________________.

3. Then, add the ________________________.

In order to find the stem of a verb, you must chop off the _______________ ending (i.e. the 2nd principle part of the verb).

To find the thematic vowel of a verb, you must look at the first letter of the _______________ ending.

The endings of a verb are:  _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.

Conjugate the verb specto, spectare.

  Singular   Plural

1st   ¬¬¬_______________  ¬¬¬_______________

2nd   ¬¬¬_______________  ¬¬¬_______________

3rd   ¬¬¬_______________  ¬¬¬_______________

There are also 3 ways to translate Latin verbs.  For example, laborat can be translated as he works, he is working, or he does work.  All 3 forms are acceptable.

Match the translation of laborat with its corresponding form.

1._____ he does work.    A.  simple

2. _____ he works.     B.  emphatic

3. _____ he is working    C.  progressive

Understanding the linking verbs est, sunt, erat, and erant.

Notice that in the form he is working, the linking verb “est” does not appear.  That is because in this sentence, “is” is used as a helping verb NOT as a linking verb which is the only time that “est” is used. 


The verbs est, sunt, erat, and erant are LINKING verbs, not HELPING verbs.  They will only be used if “is,” “are,” “was,” or “were” are the MAIN verbs in a sentence.

Example:   He was a farmer.  In this sentence, was in the main verb.

He was planting seeds.  In this sentence the main verb is planting.  That is what the farmer is doing.  In this sentence was is only helping in introducing the main verb.  Thus, it is a helping verb and not a linking verb, so erat would not be used.

Again, only if “is,” “are,” “was,” or “were” are the MAIN verbs in a sentence, then and only then will est, sunt, erat, and erant be used.

Practice:  identify whether the verbs “is,” “are,” “was,” or “were” are linking verbs, or helping verbs.  Then write the verb in Latin.


Ex.  Are they getting ready for the holidays?  helping    parant
       (are getting ready)  (3rd, plural)

1. My friends are here.    _______________  _______________

2. She was carrying many jars of water.  _______________  _______________

3. They were working very diligently.  _______________  _______________

4. Are your friends nice?    _______________  _______________


5. Is he praising the Lord?   _______________  _______________

6. Was he a farmer?    _______________  _______________

7. They are preparing a feast.   _______________  _______________

8. We are watching the game.   _______________  _______________

9. She is so nice.     _______________  _______________

10. My friend was here.    _______________  _______________

Unlike English, the noun’s position in a Latin sentence does not determine its function.  Sometimes the subject might appear AFTER the direct object!!  In order to determine the function of a Latin noun you must look at the noun’s _______________.

Only by looking at a noun’s ending, can you determine whether it is a subject or a direct object, or even whether it is singular or plural!!!

There are 3 components to Latin nouns.  The ending of a noun determines these 3 components which are:

1.  ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

There are 5 declensions of Latin nouns, but thus far we’ve learned the 1st declension which is predominately ____________________ in gender and the 2nd declension which is
____________________ in gender.

Nouns can NOT switched declensions or genders.  If a noun is 1st declension it may ONLY have the 1st declension endings.  If a noun is 2nd declension it may ONLY have the 2nd declension endings. 

Complete the chart with the correct endings:

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative _____ _____ _____ _____
Accusative _____ _____ _____ _____

If a noun has a nominative ending, that means it must function as the _______________ in the sentence. 
If a noun has the accusative ending, that means it must function as the ____________________ (2 words) in the sentence.

And adjective is a word that is modifying a ____________________.  In Latin, because word order does not determine function, it also does not determine what noun an adjective is modifying.  Adjectives may not even appear next to the noun it is modifying.  Therefore, in order to determine what noun an adjective is modifying, the two (noun and adjective) must agree in:

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

Since we have only learned nouns of the 1st and 2nd declensions, and likewise have only learned adjectives in the 1st and 2nd declensions, the noun and adjective will have the EXACT same endings.  There is only ONE instance in which this is not true and that will be with the noun agricola. 

Agricola is a 1st declension noun; however, it is NOT feminine.  It is called a pain noun because it takes the 1st declension endings BUT it is masculine.  Thus, if an adjective modifies it, the adjective will take 2nd declension endings.

Write the nominative and accusative, singular and plural forms for “good farmer.”

Singular Plural

to: Pre-Algebra

To Pre-Algebra Students,

Chapter 4 test - Form C is due on Monday, 11-28.

Helpful Hint:

Problem #20  How many cookies do you box per hour? How many cookies does your brother box per hour?(but your brother did not box any cookies for first 1/2 hour, so whatever minus 6). The verbal model is: The rate you box per hour = The rate your brother box per hour − 6

Problem #26 The total cost = 50, What are the costs?

Also, Chapter 5 test form B is due on Monday.



to: Reading 7-8

Read the above for Friday.

to: Pre-Algebra

Homework reminder:
Homework needs to be turned in by the due date. For each day past the deadline, a penalty of 10 percent will be taken from the homework grade. If you have any questions on a homework problem, please contact me. I will help the best I can.

Please do your best to pay attention in the class. Attention is very critical to your short term and long term memory.

Atsuko Fatica