Featured Lesson

Physical Science Syllabus And Resources


  • Prentice Hall: Physical Science; Science Explorer
  • Calculator - Suggested (TI-30XS MultiView)
  • Selected supplemental materials


  • This course is broken down into two sections. The first section covers basic chemistry. The students investigate the properties of matter, are introduced to the workings of the periodic table, and explore chemical reactions. The second section covers basic physics. The students investigate and experiment with motion, force, and energy. The students partake in different laboratories that help further their understanding of the information.


  • Our class has a homepage. Check this page for upcoming events, copies of the handouts, copies of the old tests, suggested books to read, and other helpful links for the class.
  • To access the page - http://sites.google.com/site/jrhalesite


  • Quizlet is an online learning tool for vocabulary. It allows to students to work on their vocab in different ways. The URL address for the Quizlet is listed below. If you do not have an account please create one and then send me your username so I can add you to the class.

PLAGIARISM & CHEATING: (from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary - 2000)

  • Plagiarize: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use(another's production) without crediting the source; to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
  • Cheating: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice to violate rules dishonestly (as on an examination) Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If a student is caught plagiarizing or cheating, he or she will automatically receive a zero for the work. The work must redone for no credit.


  • Tests (50%): Tests will occur every four weeks. The tests will consist of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and short essay questions. If a student earns a grade below a 50% on any test, he or she must schedule a retake of that test. He or she must retake the test until he or she earns a grade equal to or higher than a 50%.
  • Projects (20%): Projects will be given throughout each quarter. Major projects must be turned in on time. Projects are considered late if they are not received at the beginning of class on the date the project is due. If a project is late, the grade will be lowered one full letter grade each day it is late. No exceptions will be made unless worked out with the teacher before the due date. If a student is absent the day a project is due, he or she must still turn in the project on that day. He or she may e-mail a copy of the project and then bring in the project to next time they come to class. If a student earns a grade below a 50% on any project, he or she must redo the project until he or she earns a grade equal to or higher than a 50%.
  • Quizzes (15%): Quizzes will occur at the end of each week. Unless otherwise stated, quizzes will be completed using a Google Form link that can be found on the Weekly Syllabus and Chapter Notes. Quizzes must be taken within the time allowed (usually 4 days) from the date assigned or 10 points will be deducted for each day late.
  • Homework (10%): Homework will be assigned about four times a week and reviewed in class. Points will be deducted for work turned in late. To pass the quarter, a student must earn a homework grade of 65% or higher. Unless otherwise stated, homework will be completed using a Google Form link that can be found on the Weekly Syllabus and Chapter Notes. Homework may also be turned in by on paper if they experience internet problems or computer problems.
  • Discussion (5%): Each week, a student will be given a discussion grade. This grade is not a participation grade but a grade on the quality of discussion in and out of the class on the topic of science.

Special Note: Students must e-mail a copy of all essays and projects to jhale@gardenschool.org. Please make sure these papers are in text format, PDF format, MS Word format, or Google Drive.

Jan. 22, 2016 -

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  • Integrated management software for COVID-19 distance learning. Cloud based student management software with teacher gradebooks and student & parent access.
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  • Teacher gradebooks distribute and collect assignments online. Teacher gradebooks distribute and collect assignments online.
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