Welcome to ThinkWave Support
Release Notes (new features)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How do I enter a returning student?
- What is my password?
- Forgot username
- How do I start a new year with rollover?
- Import students
- Delete student
- Withdraw a student
- Additional administrator
- Transfer grades
- Invite teachers, students, and parents
- Login from your website
- How can I customize the default report card?
- Create a custom report card from scratch
- Create a custom transcript from scratch
- Round grades
- Year-round scheduling
- Delete assignment
- Delete attendance
- Unlock class
- How is ThinkWave Data hosted?
- Can I Export Data from ThinkWave?
Teachers Gradebook
Educator gradebook for solo teachers
Students and Parents
ThinkWave Labs - Custom Reports
Welcome to ThinkWave Support
ThinkWave Quickstart Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is my password?
- What is my username?
- How do I start a new year?
- How do I import students?
- How do I delete a student?
- How do I withdraw a student from a class?
- How do I create another administrator?
- How do I enter transfer grades and credits from another school?
- More...
Contact Support
For schools and teachers with a paid subscription, email ThinkWave at support@thinkwave.com.
If you received a startup sheet from your school, start here.