Welcome to ThinkWave Support
Release Notes (new features)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How do I enter a returning student?
- What is my password?
- Forgot username
- How do I start a new year with rollover?
- Import students
- Delete student
- Withdraw a student
- Additional administrator
- Transfer grades
- Invite teachers, students, and parents
- Login from your website
- How can I customize the default report card?
- Create a custom report card from scratch
- Create a custom transcript from scratch
- Round grades
- Year-round scheduling
- Delete assignment
- Delete attendance
- Unlock class
- How is ThinkWave Data hosted?
- Can I Export Data from ThinkWave?
Teachers Gradebook
Educator gradebook for solo teachers
Students and Parents
ThinkWave Labs - Custom Reports
Delete attendance
To completely delete a student from your account, the student's attendance would need to be deleted first. To find a students' attendance marks, run the Student Details 1 report. Select a wide date range, covering from the start of school until now. Next to "Level of Detail", choose "Include Days with Attendance Marks".
Look over the report, and see which attendance marks were entered by teachers, and which attendance marks were entered by admins.
Attendance records marked "Staff" are entered by teachers and can be deleted by accessing that teacher's gradebook. As the owner or additional admin, you can access teachers' gradebooks. There are two ways to do this:
- Go to the Teachers tab. On the top right, below to "Access Gradebook", click "Visit Teacher Account".
- Go to the Classes tab. Below "Access Gradebook for this Class, click "Visit Teacher Account".
Return to the admin view using the upper right pulldown.
Attendance marks made by admin should be deleted in the admin view by accessing the Attendance tab | By Student subtab. Ensure any Day Attendance overrides on the bottom of the page are cleared also.
IMPORTANT: Delete all the attendance comments in the right column, both in the teacher gradebook, and in the admin view. Sometimes "spaces", which cannot be seen, remain in the Comments column. Ensure those "spaces" are cleared also.
If you received a startup sheet from your school, start here.