Welcome to ThinkWave Support
Release Notes (new features)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How do I enter a returning student?
- What is my password?
- Forgot username
- How do I start a new year with rollover?
- Import students
- Delete student
- Withdraw a student
- Additional administrator
- Transfer grades
- Invite teachers, students, and parents
- Login from your website
- How can I customize the default report card?
- Create a custom report card from scratch
- Create a custom transcript from scratch
- Round grades
- Year-round scheduling
- Delete assignment
- Delete attendance
- Unlock class
- How is ThinkWave Data hosted?
- Can I Export Data from ThinkWave?
Teachers Gradebook
Educator gradebook for solo teachers
Students and Parents
ThinkWave Labs - Custom Reports
Gradebook Students Screen
Here is where you add and remove students from the program. You can also adjust the dates a student was added or withdrawn from a school, enroll a student into classes, enroll students into a group (such as "Baseball Team" or "ESL") and provide students an Access Code to login and view their grades.
To add a student:
- Click the Add Student button on the left (the box surrounding the Add Student buttom is prominently highlighted in orange).
- Type the first name and last name of the student in the Add Student screen and Click Save (if you would like to add another student, click Save and Add Another.)
- Fill out any additional data in the information panel in the right side of the screen. Select the Grade Level to allow proper sorting by Grade Level.
- If you need to add additional custom fields to appear below the preset fields, go to the Groups tab and either create a Group and add custom fields to that group, or add a custom field to "All Students" or to a Grade Level. Examples of a Custom Fields could be fields such as PSAT Score or Citizenship.
Video (silent)
To navigate to a student:
- Click the name of a student in the left column to select a particular student.
- If you want to show only students in a certain grade level or group, select the grade level or group from the pulldown menu under the orange header.
- If there are too many students to list in the column (default number of students is 30), a second pulldown will appear. Select the appropriate list of students from the second pulldown to go to those students. Alternately, select "prev" or "next" to navigate to those students. To change the default number of students that is displayed, go to Setup | General | Maximum to Display.
School Enrollment
To adjust school enrollment dates:
- Click on the "add late or withdraw early" link to the right of the School Enrollment heading.
- Under School, enter the proper school entry and withdrawal dates under Late Add or Early Withdraw. If the student is enrolled for the whole year, just leave the dates blank.
- Under Class, enter the dates a student is enrolled in a particular class. Ensure that the Late Add dates are later than, or the same as, the School Late Add date, and that the Early Withdrawal date is earlier than, or the same as, the School Early Withdraw date. If the student is enrolled in a class for the whole term, just leave the dates blank.
Class Enrollment
- To enroll a student into a class, click on the enroll link. Then check the box next to the appropriate classes. Select Late Add or Early Withdraw if appropriate. Late Add or Early Withdraw will only appear after you save the changes.
- If there are too many classes to list in the left column (default number of classes is 30), a second pulldown will appear. Select the appropriate list of classes from the second pulldown to go to those classes. Alternately, select "prev" or "next" to navigate to those classes. To change the default number of classes that is displayed, go to Setup | General | Maximum to Display.
Group Enrollment
To enroll a student into a group, click on the enroll link. Then check the box next to the appropriate group. The advantages of enrolling a student into a group are:
- Any custom fields associated with that group are displayed in the student screen. Those custom fields can be used to store just about any type of record or additional demographic data.
- The student report card can be customized to include custom field data from any group a student belongs to. For example, if you want to include the batting average for every member of the Baseball Team group on their report card, enroll all the students in the baseball team into the Baseball Team group (after creating the Baseball Team group in the Groups tab and adding a custom field to the group called "Batting Average"). Then enter all the students' batting averages. This can be done either by going to the students screen and clicking on the students names individually, or by clicking on the name of the custom field in the Groups tab and entering the data for the whole team there. Finally, to include the Batting Average on the report card, include the Baseball Team group when customizing the Report Card. It's that easy!
- Another groups function is that reports can be generated to included only students in a certain group. When customizing a report, select only the group you want to generate a report for.
Access Code and Parent Access
The Access Code is the code a student or parent uses to access their own, and only their own, data. Students and parents access their own data via a password-protected and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) site. To give students and parents access, print out the Login Instruction Sheets found under the Reports tab. The Login Instruction Sheets have detailed instructions for parents and students to follow. In brief, a student and parent must follow the below steps to access their data:
- Go to ThinkWave.com and click on the "Login" button on the top right of the home page and then click: First Time: Start Here.
- Create a Login and Password.
- Enter the four-part, sixteen digit Access Code to connect to their specific data.
Once a parent or student links to their data, the "Access Code:" heading will change to "Linked To:". Under "Linked To:" the login name of the student and parent will appear. If a student or parent forgets their login name, you can find it here. If a student forgets their password, however, you will need to reset their account and provide them a new access code. Then they will need to create a completely new login name and password and enter the access code. ThinkWave does not provide password recovery for students, teachers or parents for security reasons. Re-setting the account, however, provides administrators the ability to give students, teachers and parents continued access to their data.
If a student, parent or teacher remembers their password, but wants to change it, they can click on the 'Change password" link on their Dashboard.
If a student leaves the school, or you need restrict access to the student data, click the Reset button to the right of Linked To:. This will disconnect the account from the student login.
Vist Account
To access a student's account, click "Login" under Visit Account. To return back to the admin view, click the orange Return link at the top of the student's page.
Delete a Student
To delete a student, click on the Delete Student link at the bottom left of the main window. The Delete Student link is located to the left of the Save button at the bottom of the main window.
If you received a startup sheet from your school, start here.