Reports Screen

Here is where you generate reports that can be saved in electronic form or printed out. To generate a report, click on the name of the report. Then adjust the settings for that particular report and click Generate. The reports will generate as a .pdf file. If you want to export the data from the .pdf report to a .txt file, open the report in a .pdf viewer and then select File | Save as Text.



Adjust the settings for the header on all reports.

  1. Include motto: The school motto appears just below the school name. Enter the school motto in the Setup tab under General | School Name and Address.
  2. Include logo: Check the box if you want your school logo to appear on your reports. Upload your logo by clicking the Logo link below.
  3. Include print date: Check the box if you would like to include the date the report was printed in the header.
  4. Suppress header: Check the box if you would like to print reports on your own letterhead.
  5. Blank space: If you selected "Supress header", indicate the amount of blank space for the top of the report (inches).


Click Choose File and browse to the image file containing your school logo. Click Save. Then, when you press Upload, the logo will be uploaded. It will then be displayed and printed in reports if "Include logo" is checked in the Header settings above. To delete the logo, click the "delete" link. We recommend you use the .jpg format for your logo. Any other format will be converted to .jpg by ThinkWave anyway, and using another format may cause problems (for example, transparencies in a .gif image may appear black). The logo should be 120px height and 180px width or smaller.

Login Instruction Sheets

Login instruction sheets provide information to parents, students and teachers about logging in to see their grades. The text appearing in any of the instruction sheets can be modified as you deem necessary. For example, you can have users login through your school's web site by making a link from the school's web site to the ThinkWave login page. You would need to modify the printed instructions to tell users to go to your web site instead of

  1. Teacher: Instruction sheets have an access code and instructions for teachers to access their web-based gradebook.
  2. Parent: Instruction sheets have an access code and instructions for parents to see their student's grades.
  3. Student: Instruction sheets have an access code and instructions for students to see their grades.

Summary Reports

Report Card

To generate report cards, click the Report Card link. Then customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:


  1. Style: Select a single-term or multi-term format. Comments are to the right of grades in a single-term format. Comments are stacked below grades in the multi-term format.
  2. Report Title: The report title appears on the upper right of the report. You can also use foreign language fonts to rename the report.
  3. Term: Select the term or terms you want the report to include.
  4. Include grade level: Check this box if you want to include the grade level of each student on the report card.
  5. Include comments: Check this box if you want to include teacher or administrator comments in the report card.
  6. Include GPA: Check this box to include Grade Point Average (GPA) on the report card.
  7. Include credits earned: Check this box to include Credits earned on the report card.
  8. Include percents: Check this box to include the percent as well as letter grade.
  9. Include term percent: Check this box to include the percent average of all the classes in a term.

Print Report Card


  • Configure: Select the proper pulldown to show attendance on the report card. The options are:
    1. Do Not Include: Attendance will not be included in the report card.
    2. By broad attendance categories (default): Totals for broad categories such as Present and Absent would appear on the report card. This is the default setting and will be appropriate for most schools. Subcategories such as Absent Excused can also be printed.
    3. By exact attendance marks: Specific numbers for attendance categories would appear on the report card. Totals for both "Absent" and "Absent Excused" would not appear grouped together in an "absent" bucket, but they would appear separately as "Absent" and "Absent Excused".
  • Print: Select the attendance marks to print.
  • Include for: Select the Day Attendance categories to include on the report cards. Most schools would have one Day Attendance category, but Half-day attendance can be added in Setup | Daily Calculations. To include attendance for individual classes, check the "Individual classes" box.

Include Custom Fields:

Check the box next to any custom field you would like to print out in the report card. Please note: If a student is not enrolled in a group to which a certain custom field is attached, it will not print out the custom field name or custom field value on their report card.

Add custom text:

Enter any text you would like to display toward the bottom of the report card, right below the grades. An example is to enter a legend of how grades are calculated. You can format the text by surrounding selected text with the markup displayed below the text box.


  1. Keep together: Check this box to remove the page break between Extra Fields and Custom Text.
  2. Font style: Fixed fonts are all the same width. For example, an "i" and and "m" are the same width using a fixed font. Fixed fonts are useful to line up columns, such as for a grade legend.


Transcripts can be printed to include grades for all the years a student has been enrolled in your school. If certain grade levels should not be on a transcript (for example: 1st through 8th grades), go to Setup | General | Grade Levels. Select 1st grade on the left. Then check the box "Exclude from Transcript".

ThinkWave uses the Student ID to connect students' grades across years. The Setup | Rollover function copies the Student ID automatically from year to year. However, if you need to enter a student manually, ensure the Student ID matches across years for all the grades to appear on the transcript.

To generate transcripts, click the Transcript link. Then customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  • Report Title: The report title appears on the upper right of the report. You can also use foreign language fonts to rename the report.
  • Layout style: Chose the preferred layout style. Normal layout is a two-column layout best for normal-length class names. Wrap layout is also a two-column layout best for situations when students have many classes. Wide layout is a one-column layout best for long skills.
  • Include skills: Check this box if you would like skills included.
  • Include term percent: Check this box to include the percent average of all the classes in a term.
  • Add custom text: Enter any text you would like to display toward the bottom of the transcript. An example is to enter a legend of how grades are calculated. You can format the text by surrounding selected text with the markup displayed below the text box.
  • Include Custom Fields: Check the box next to any custom field you would like to print out in the report card. Please note: If a student is not enrolled in a group to which a certain custom field is attached, it will not print out the custom field name or custom field value on their transcript. Also, the transcript only prints custom fields that are active in the current year - not custom fields active in previous or future years.
  • Font style: Fixed fonts are all the same width. For example, an "i" and and "m" are the same width using a fixed font. Fixed fonts are useful to line up columns, such as for a grade legend.

To print transcripts for graduates no longer in your school, first go their final year of school from the Dashboard tab. Then generate the Transcript from that final year of their graduation.

Attendance Reports

Attendance Classes not Finalized

To generate a report of teachers who have not submitted attendance yet, click the Attendance Classess not Finalized link. Then Customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Start and End dates: Select the start and end dates for the report.
  2. Select periods: Check the box or boxes next to the period or periods you want to include in the report.

Average Daily Attendance

To generate an Average Daily Attendance report, click the Average Daily Attendance link. Then Customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Start: Enter the start date for the report.
  2. End: Enter the end date for the report.
  3. Include audit date: If you would like the report to include a detailed audit trail of the data that appears on the report, check this box. The audit trail includes student-by-student attendance data that will make it easier to verify the accuracy of the report.
  4. Select groups: Select "All students" or another group for which to generate the report. You can select more than one group.

Student Attendance Summary

To generate a report of per-student attendance, click the Student Attendance Summary link. Then Customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Start and End dates: Select the start and end dates for the report.
  2. Level of detail: Summary includes only the total of all absent marks. "Include Days with all Attendance Marks" also includes the actual dates with attendance marks. "Include all Days" lists all the school dates in the time period, whether an attendance mark was made or not.
  3. Add page breaks: If you would like to separate the students onto different pages, check this box.

Student Reports

Class Schedule

To generate a class schedule for students, click on the Class Schedule report. Then customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Include location: Check this box if you want the location of the class printed on the Class Schedule report.

Missing Assignments

To generate a list of missing assignments, click on the Missing Assignments report. Then customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Start and end dates: Select the start end end dates of the report.
  2. Only include assignments marked with "M": Check this box if you want to include only assignments marked with an "M", not including assignments that are simply ungraded at this time.
  3. Only include students who have missing assignments: Don't include a student in the report if they have no missing assignments.
  4. Add page breaks between students: If you want each student to be printed on a separate page, check this box.

Student Summary

To generate a reports listing all the grades a student has on all their assignments, click on the Student Summary report. The Student Summary report also includes grades by assignment type. The customization settings are:

  1. Term: Select the term you want to include in the report.

Print Student Summary

Class Reports


To generate a report with class enrollment, select the Enrollment link. Then Customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Class: Select the class the report is for.
  2. Date: Select the date you want the enrollment for.
  3. Include summary: If you would like to include the student count, check this box.
  4. Include student names: If you would like to include the student names, check this box.
  5. Include student ID: If you would like to include the student ID, check this box.
  6. Include student address: If you would like to include the student address, check this box.
  7. Include student phone: If you would like to include the student phone, check this box.
  8. Include student email: If you would like to include the student email, check this box.
  9. Add page breaks: If you would like to separate the classes onto different pages, check this box.


To generate teacher gradebooks which include all the assignments in a class, select the Gradebook link. Then Customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Class: Select the class the report is for.
  2. Term: Select the term you want to include in the report.

Weekly Attendance

To generate a weekly attendance report, click the Weekly Attendance link. Then Customize the report as necessary. The customization settings are:

  1. Class: Select the class the report is for.
  2. Staff or admin: Select if you want the staff (teacher), administrator, or final attendance to appear on the report. "Final Attendance" means the attendance is calculated according to the precedence between teachers and administrators set in Setup | Attendance | Staff/Admin Precedence.
  3. Include header: Check the box if you would like to include the school name, address, motto and logo.
  4. Include signature: If you would like to print out a line where teachers can sign their name after taking attendance, check this box.
  5. Week: Select the week the report covers. You can also print out a week in the future to create a blank report.
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