How do I start a new year with rollover?

Once logged in to your ThinkWave account, click on the “Setup” tab in the upper right. 

Scroll down to the “Account Owner Functions” square in the lower left. 

Click the blue word “Rollover”.  This allows you to copy over students, classes and settings to a new year.  You can also click here for a quick link. 

Use the drop-down menu where it says “Rollover Direction” to rollover all data forward in preparation for the upcoming year (or roll data back if you want to input historical data from the previous year for transcripts).  Then click “Create Year.” 

You will then be taken to a screen where you can adjust the dates for the upcoming school year.  Click on the school year in blue in the "Name" column and you can change the year range and its specific start and end dates.  You can also change the dates for each semester in this screen.  When finished, click "Next".

Now it's time to select the action for rolling over each grade level.  For example, kindergarten would roll over to first grade.  First grade would roll over to second grade etc.  For students graduating out of school, select "Do Not Copy Student".  You can also select to leave students with unassigned grade levels as they are by selecting "Leave Grade Level Unassigned" in the drop-down menu.  Once you've completed this, select "Next".

You will then select if you want to copy the current class enrollment or not to copy class enrollment.  You would typically select "Do Not Copy Class Enrollment" since students will be selecting new classes for the new year.  You will also see the heading for "Group Enrollment".  This applies when copying over groups of students for activities like band or specific sports.  Use the drop-down menu next to each activitiy to select "Don't Copy Enrollment" or "Copy This Group's Enrollment".

The next section headed "Custom Field Recorded Values" allows you to roll over the same data you already had in your custom fields.  Since most of this data doesn't change (ie. Citizenship, Student Locker Number, Allergies) select "Copy Recorded Values For This Custom Field" in the drop-down menu.  If, however, the field is associated with a custom group and you are not copying that group, select "Don't Copy Values" in the drop-down menu.  When all the fields have been entered, select "Next".

Now you will see the screen to finalize your rollover data.  If you would like to go back to the previous rollover sections, you can click any of the blue links here to jump to that particular section (ie. Dates, Grade Levels, Custom Fields).  If you would like to cancel your rollover entirely, click the gray "Cancel Rollover" button.  Hit the green "Finalize" button if you are satisfied with your rollover.

Once the rollover is complete, check and verify your data by selecting the drop-down menu on the top right corner of the screen under your Login name.  Select the year you just created (it will say "In Rollover" in red text) and browse all the student, teacher and class data using the top menus to make sure everything is correct. 

When you feel your data is correct, go back to the top right drop-down menu under your Login name and select "Certify Rollover" in red text.  Select that your start and end dates are correct.  Also select that students, grade levels and custom field data is correct by ticking that box.  There is also a drop-down menu to select if you want the rollover to be available to all students, teachers and parents.  If you want to wait until the current year is complete before giving everyone access then choose "Do Not Provide Teachers, Students and/or Parents Access to the New Year". 

Lastly, select to finalize the rollover by choosing "Finalize Rollover" from the drop-down menu.  

The previous year(s) are saved, and will always be accessible in the pulldown on the upper right.

You can see a detailed video demonstration of how to start a new year by clicking here.


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