At the onset of the academic year, educators gain convenient access to their gradebook viewer, and a personalized access code, facilitating efficient class and student management with pre-loaded data.
Seamlessly monitor and categorize grades for diverse assessments and tailored assignments.
Our platform provides the flexibility of points-based or customizable grading systems, allowing instructors to allocate distinct weights to different assignment types and compute term averages effortlessly.
Streamline document distribution to students and streamline homework collection through digital channels.
This gradebook viewer efficiently manages attendance and fosters collaboration with school administration through swift recording capabilities.
Facilitate administrative access to final grades for comprehensive oversight and decision-making.
Exercise discretion in overriding attendance records and final grade outcomes.
Access and thoroughly review teacher gradebooks for comprehensive oversight.
Effortlessly import assignments from peers or prior academic years, enhancing instructional versatility.
This gradebook viewer provides smooth transitions of classes between teachers throughout the academic year for seamless continuity.