to: Level 2

See attached files for links to these evaluations (same as on Remind 101)

to: Level 2

The attached files contains links to these 2 evaluations. They are the same links you will receive on Remind 101.

to: Level 2

See attached files for links to these evaluations (same as on Remind 101)

to: Level 1

This afternoon in Communications class I will give you time to follow the links below to complete these course evaluations:

Communications 1 Course Evaluation 2014:

Cookery, S. Collins - Course Evaluation 2014:

Cookery, I. Middleton - Course Evaluation 2014:

to: Level 1

<input id="SMARTInk_zoom_42A26EBF-1637-4CC0-952D-BE37F629742C" type="hidden" value="1"/>

Please see details of internship opportunity in attached file

Attached the schedule of mid-term meetings with Meg, listed by group. I have adjusted a few times to fill gaps, so if this does not precisely jive with what you recorded, that is why. let me know if I have created any problems.

Attached is the marking rubric for Healthy Cooking Project.

to: Level 1

Dear Level 1 students,

The online "buzz" regarding the Mayors’ Gala is being consolidated and shared by Trending.Info.  The event organizers are inviting you (SCS students) to share your reflections on preparations for the Gala.  When posting, please be sure to include #mayorsgala and/or @mayorsgalaspcf so the post can be captured & included in the feed. (Also @StratfordChef for our followers!)

Notes about the food, the evening, your excitement, or a preparation challenge would all help round out the story being shared.  Tweeting impressions of the evening as it unfolds would also be welcome - all posts will be shared live with Gala attendees on several media screens set up for this purpose.

So if you have a moment, tweet on!

Thanks, Meg


to: Level 1

Bob Latham, the school's wine instructor will hold two Monday sessions to introduce Level 1 students to wine tasting. While enrolment for these sessions is optional, you are strongly encouraged to attend as the material Bob plans to cover will be very helpful heading into Level 2 (and he will not be covering it in any depth in the Level 2 course.) The two sessions will introduce students to different wines and insights (the second session is NOT a repeat of the first.)

The sessions will be held at the Prune 7:00-9:00PM

Monday Jan. 27 & Monday Feb. 3

Please email Meg to enroll:


Please see attached Presentation schedules for Communications, titled early class (1:30-3:00 group) and late class (3:15-4:45). Presentations do not begin until week 11, but as of this week, you are to come to only the 1:30 or 3:15 portion of the class (as designated last class.)  Thanks, Meg

Please see attached for details about Open Kitchen Mondays this semester (including sign up procedure.)

Please find attached the schedule for your meetings with Meg. Unless you have heard otherwise directly, all meetings are at the SCS office.

Please find attached an overview of level 1 tests & assignment due dates for Semester 2. I recommend you print it off - to help you keep track.

Please review the full & final assignment description attached.

to: All Students

Dear students,

This week you will be asked to complete online evaluations for all Semester 1 theory courses. You will, as with the trial GWIR evaluation, receive a link to the pertinent evaluation ("Loop survey") at the start of the final class in that course. Your instructor(s) will give you time to complete the evaluation in class.

PLEASE complete all the evaluations - and if possible include comments (constructive ones!) Instructors rely on your feedback to help them refine and improve course structure, content and delivery. I also take seriously your feedback on courses and faculty in planning for the following year All evaluations are anonymous and the results will not be released to instructors until they have submitted final marks.

Thank you. If I do not cross paths with you, I wish you all the best on your exams and I hope you enjoy a well-deserved break over Christmas.


Seems the PP didn't upload first time. Trying again.

to: Writing

Hi everyone - As promised, here's the PP that went with today's lesson.



to: Gastronomy 1

Please find attached the notes for tomorrow's class.

Here are the Presentation Schedules for weeks 7 & 8. "Early class" = 9:00group, "Late" = 10:30 group.  A considerable part of your mark for this presentation will be based on your ability, as presenters. to engage the class in lively discussion. Consequently I would encourage all of you, as class members, to "do unto others" - i.e. make an effort to particpate more in discussion & respond to questions in an interested fashion. You might considering practicing by engaging more in other classes (e.g. with Dianne Jacob our GWIR on Tuesday!)

to: Gastronomy 1

When you come to class on Saturday, please make sure that each member of each cookery group has copies of the menu and recipes for your historical cookery exam. We would also ask that when you arrive at class, please sit in your groups to facilitate ease of discussion with each group.

to: Gastronomy 1

When you come to class on Saturday, please make sure that each member of each cookery group has copies of the menu and recipes for your historical cookery exam. We would also ask that when you arrive at class, please sit in your groups to facilitate ease of discussion with each group.

to: Writing

Hi everyone - Your first two assignments are now marked and should be in your student mailboxes today. If you don't have a mark for one of the assignments it's because I never received it.

Diane Sewell

to: Level 1

files: image.jpg ,   image.jpg ,   image.jpg

Thru the magic of my iPad camera, here are the signup sheets for meetings Weeks 5&6. Meg

The links do not seem to work in iTunesU, so here are the files again.

to: Level 1

Attached the schedule of Level 1 classes/sessions with Dianne Jacob for weeks 5 & 6. Attendance is required.

to: Level 2

Attached Level 2 Schedule of classes/sessions with GWIR in weeks 5 & 6. Attendance is required.

Dear Level 1 Students,

As I am sure you are aware, you have a lot of tests and assignments due this week. To help you keep track of them, I've created  the attached summary of Level 1 tests/assignments due in Weeks 4-8.

Don't panic! 30 years of SCS students have survived this particular ordeal - and you will too. It looks like a mountain of work but many of the tests and assignments are quite small & if you have paid attention in class, should not be too difficult. To lighten your load a bit, the Culinary Management Module 1 exam is being postponed until Week 5. I hope that helps.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at

All the best,



to: Gastronomy 1, Laurie

If you are interested in learning more, check out The Sword Brothers podcasts on the CBC radio program Ideas.

Remember to tailor your assignment resume/covering letter to one of the three job postings sent earlier. Due in class next week.